
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 items
Exhaust Backpressure Sensor Eliminator Exhaust Backpressure Sensor Eliminator


Exhaust Backpressure Sensor Eliminator


OBDII codes are detected and logged during a diagnostics scan of specific sensors by the PCM at start, when the Exhaust Pressure Control Valve (EPCV) is showing High/Low pressure. Eliminates P047X Codes related to Exhaust...
Exhaust Backpressure Valve Terminator Exhaust Backpressure Valve Terminator


Exhaust Backpressure Valve Terminator


DFuser - Great for those who have gutted their Exhaust Backpressure Valve and/or upgraded your Turbo Pedestal to the non-EBPV setup. Easy to install. Won't leave your factory plug hanging with open circuit. Built for...
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