The increased flow rate of these Stage 2 Powerstoke Fuel Injectors with 80% nozzles are capable of producing more than 80 RWHP over our Stage 1's, and more than 100hp with the 100% nozzles, These Powerstroke fuel injectors by Unlmited Diesel are great for a person that wants to use their truck for daily driving, towing, or just playing around on the street. You can literally detune these diesel fuel injectors to run stock HP Levels or power levels of more than 425 RWHP. We recommend turbo and HPOP upgrades for these fuel injectors, but it is not required. Custom tuning is required for optimal performance. .
Each Unlimited Diesel Performance Powerstroke fuel injector:
Common Issues that require Powerstroke fuel injector replacement:
*Fuel injectors are sold in sets of 8. We use ONLY New Alliant Power External Orings, beware of cheap orings. We have had multiple customers call us with competitor products using inferior orings that have failed.
Core charge will be refunded provided your existing Powerstroke injectors do not have any external damage and are rebuildable.
Under no circumstances will any injector cores be accepted that are shipped via United States Postal Service. There is a $50 per day late fee for cores returned after 21 days. Cores must be injectors that are in good physical condition, are rust free, and have not been burned or externally damaged. Cores that have been subjected to any alternative or "Bio" fuels will not be accepted as good cores. Any injector received that is disassembled or missing parts will not be accepted as a good core. There is a $50.00 charge per damaged solenoid. Cores should be returned in original packaging to avoid damage.
**If you have any questions regarding tune selection or descriptions, please refer to this order page. (Click Here)**
Tags: Injectors , UDP Injectors